You work way too hard to settle for mediocre marketing.

You do so many things well – your marketing shouldn’t be an exception! We want to equip you with words and strategies that will get your work in front of the people who need it most.

A copywriter working on a desktop computer with organized notes lining the bottom of the screen

 Finally, words that speak to your customers.


If eyes glaze over when you try to describe what your company does, let’s talk. Knowing how to articulate the problem you solve for customers clearly and effectively is essential to the success of your business. Using a proven marketing framework, we’ll create a customized Brand Message Guide that will help you go from confused to confident when explaining your company.

Every person who visits your website needs to know what problem you can solve for them, how to get started, and why your company is the best one for the job. We’ll zero in on this critical info and develop a website that leaves no questions about what you do, driving customers to buy from you.


Email Campaigns

You know you need to get your name in the inbox of your potential customers, but what should you say? And how often should customers hear from you? We’ll craft emails that your recipients will actually read and develop a strategy that converts “sends” into sales.

You’ve invested precious time and energy to create your online course. That effort shouldn’t go to waste. We’ll develop and execute a course launch email campaign that puts your hard work in the hands of people whose lives it will change.


Have a specific market you want to serve? Or a service you want to market? Let's put landing pages to work for you. When potential customers click on an ad, they’ll be sent directly to a landing page with the key details they need.

Struggling to convert visitors to delighted customers? You need a lead generator that resonates with your audience. We’ll help you improve your leads with content that caters to your ideal clients and provides real value.


Case studies, white papers, and sales collateral can all help secure new deals. But, if your materials are written poorly, they could hurt more than help. We transform complex ideas into compelling copy that connects with your customers.

You don’t just need the words for your marketing, you need someone to make it all happen. Our team of designers and engineers can bring your marketing messaging to life in WordPress, Squarespace or Webflow.


Our Process

Here at Murphy Marketing, we help businesses clarify their messages and create marketing strategies to connect them to their customers, growing their businesses.

We’ll begin every project with a brand message guide to build the foundation for your business’ messaging. We’ll walk you through an in-depth interview to find clarity and words you can instantly use across your marketing.


 Ready to get your words right?