How Much Does a StoryBrand Guide Cost?

So, you’ve heard of the StoryBrand framework and how helpful it can be to clarify your business’ message. Maybe you’ve read the book, listened to Donald Miller’s podcast, or have heard about it from other business owners. 

Either way, a light has clicked on in your head and you’ve realized that your business’ message is causing confusion. After doing preliminary research and weighing your options, you wonder… 

“Should I hire a StoryBrand Guide OR try to do the framework myself?”

In this blog post, we’re diving into that question for you. We’ll discuss:  

Let’s dive in, shall we?

I Hired a StoryBrand Guide to Write My Own Messaging (even though I’m a StoryBrand Certified Guide)

It may surprise you, but when it came time to update my brand’s messaging, I knew I needed someone else to help me out.

I had read the book. I had attended and coached in the Livestream. Heck, I know this framework like I know my own children. And yet, I still felt like I needed someone else’s perspective.

  • I was constantly writing and rewriting my brand’s message because I wanted to get it right, but I kept second-guessing myself. AKA, I was too close to my brand to see my blind spots and offer clearly.

  • I needed help prioritizing my ideal customer and who my message should be aiming at. When you’re too close to your message, clients, etc. it can be hard to see who you’re actually serving.

  • I just wanted to get it done. I was stuck in analysis paralysis, PLUS I had my own stuff to do – like write for my own clients. If I would have taken on the project myself, it would have just fallen through the cracks or sat on the back burner. 

  • I wanted it to be great, but I couldn’t devote my whole brain, time, and energy to doing it myself.

So, when it came time to get my own messaging started, I looked through my options, analyized my needs, and asked these four questions. ↓

4 Questions to Ask Yourself to Know If Hiring a StoryBrand Guide is Right For You

  1. Why now?

    It can be really exciting to hear/read something and think: we need that! And it’s another to actually need it. When it comes to updating your messaging, there is a right and wrong time to do it, so ask yourself: why is now important? After all, you don’t want what you paid for to be outdated in a couple of months after you’ve got it. 

    The wrong times to update your messaging would be: 

    • You’re in the midst of launching a product/service. Implementing new messaging mid-campaign could be confusing. 

    • You’re looking for a magic bullet to save things. Messaging is incredibly powerful, but it’s only one (very important) tool in your toolbelt.

    • You don’t have your ideas fleshed out yet. Messaging can help you find clarity in what you’re going to offer, but it won’t always give you every detail. Be sure you have your idea pretty ironed out. Even the best writers can’t create something out of nothing.

  2. Do I have the time?

    It can take a lot of time to get your messaging right. If you (and your team) are booked solid, this might take you a while to not only write it, but figure out how to implement it. Keep in mind, writing it is half the battle – you also have to do all of the things to put your messaging into practice. 

    All of this takes time. And if you don’t have the time or are generally operating in the “too busy to function” camp, then DIY is likely not for you. 

  3. Do I have the skill?

    It’s not just “can I do this” It’s also “should I do this?” Essentially, this question is two-fold: can you write well and can you write marketing copy well?

    Can you write in a way that is succinct, clear, and hits at the core pain points, benefits, and features of your product/service in a way that speaks to your target audience? Think about what they would say and how they would say it. Can you write in a way that resonates with them? This is where honesty will do you real good. 

    There have been many a time where my clients have gotten halfway (or all the way) through the framework themselves and realized that it’s not good enough to actually implement into their business. So then, they’ve done double the work just to hire someone to do it anyway. 

  4. Am I too close to my business?

    The most important part of the StoryBrand Framework is clarity. As Donald Miller says, “if you confuse, you lose.” 

    If you’re too close to your business, it’s easy to use jargon, phrases, or make assumptions (without realizing it!) about how much your audience knows about you, your product, and your service. A really good StoryBrand Guide makes no assumptions about what you do, how you do it, etc.

    A lot of the time, you don’t realize you’re too close to your business, but here are a few signs you can look for:

  • You don’t know how to answer the question “what do you do?” 

  • You fall back on jargon/industry words. (or you don’t realize what your industry words are)! 

  • You assume your clients know what ____ means without asking them.

So you’ve answered the questions. Now what?

Here’s the good news: when it comes to StoryBrand messaging, there are three different routes you can take. Do it yourself, done-with-you, or done-for-you. 

Do It Yourself – Using the StoryBrand Book.

Donald Miller’s “Building a Story Brand” book is a great resource for those who want to DIY their messaging. It gives you a good grasp on the StoryBrand framework and how to apply it to your business, but it won’t tell you if you’re way off (which does happen if you’re too close to your business).

Done With You – Join the StoryBrand Livestream.

The StoryBrand Livestream can be incredibly helpful for those who want to get a basic StoryBrand message written with the guidance and accountability of a small group and Certified Guide. For two days, you’ll tune in to learn about the framework and build a sales funnel, but – it’s not necessarily in a 1:1 setting nor helps you directly apply your message to your website and marketing materials.

Done For You – Working with a StoryBrand Guide.

Hiring a Certified StoryBrand Guide is the most expensive option. Every guide’s price is different based on a number of factors, so there’s no firm pricing here. Our average project is about $5,000, but you could expect to pay anywhere between $1,500 - $10,000 or more depending on the agency and the deliverables. The price tag is worth it when it means you’re getting a clear message, sales funnel, and marketing materials that actually work to convert your browsers into buyers. 

Having a third party perspective to write your business’ messaging often provides more clarity to what you do – simply because the Guide who’s writing it comes into your business with limited knowledge, just as your customers always do. Plus, they do this for a living, so they’re usually insanely good at pulling your words together in ways you’d never thought to write before.

Is Your Current Messaging Costing You?

Now that we’ve laid out all of your options and gave you a few questions to help you identify if a StoryBrand Guide is right for you, it’s time to ask yourself – is your current messaging costing you?

If you’ve got the time, energy, and enjoy a good challenge – DIYing your messaging might be a great fit for you! BUT, if you need a bit of guidance and a professional to help you get it right, book an appointment to get the exact pricing for your project. Even if you’re not sure you’re ready to hire someone, I’m happy to help you find the right next steps to take as you begin to uncover your message.

Hiring a StoryBrand Guide might cost you less in the long run for a message that really works and resonates with your ideal customers.


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