3 ways to build trust through copy

It's easy to take for granted the media we consume every day. Video and photo content is flashy and often easier to appreciate than reading words on page - it catches our attention and entertains us in a way that’s easy to take in. 

But whether we realize it or not, we’re still always processing the words around us. Quick-paced videos may have the upper hand right now, but the fact remains - it's hard not to read words that are right in front of us.

So if you've been wondering whether to throw in the towel and quit parsing out your business’ copy - we’re here to encourage you to keep going. 

Our business’ words still matter -  we can’t be flippant with them! Your audience cares more and more about what you as a brand have to say, so your copy needs to reflect that. As writers, we’re walking the tightrope of creating sharp, eye-catching copy that also packs a punch and tells our audience the most important things about our brand.

Here are three ways build trust with your audience as you write: 

  1. Be bold

    Many of the eye-catching, surprising elements of popular visual media can also translate to our companies’ writing. Videos that go viral use a hook within the first few seconds of the video to grab the viewer’s attention and pull them further in. You can do the exact same thing with your copy! Whether you create a punchy headline for your website or a compelling anecdote in an Instagram caption, don’t be afraid to start strong. Your audience will appreciate the upfrontness, and it gives them a reason to keep reading! 

  2. Be creative

    You don’t have to stick to a set of arbitrary rules about how you should sound online that you’ve heard from a million different sources over the years. Every brand has their own unique voice, and it’s going to come out one way or another…so you might as well work to develop it and do it justice! Maybe your voice is extremely distinct from other competitors and you worry that you’ll stick out in a bad way. We’re here to cut you some slack - as long as your copy is true to your voice and it resonates with your audience, you’re probably better off than you think.

  3. Be honest

    The worst thing to see a brand do with their online presence is phone it in. The majority of the world has been on social media for long enough to know a fraud when they see it. Your audience doesn't have a lot of patience for people who they don’t think are shooting straight with them - so we need them to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that your brand’s words are sincere. It takes more deep work, more time, and more true commitment in your writing to reach that level of honesty that your audience really wants to see - but the payoff will be worth it for years to come. 

Still need help creating compelling copy? That’s what we’re here for. Book an appointment with Murphy Marketing today to get clarity and direction about how to use your brand’s messaging for the good of your audience and your business.

Claire Barham

Claire Barham is a lead writer at Murphy Marketing.


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