How to express gratitude in your copy

It’s November, and that means we’re all walking the very unique tightrope of wanting-to-be-grateful-without-being-annoying.

Practicing gratitude is truly beneficial and can create a lot of joy in your own life and the lives of others - no one is debating that.
But in a world of social media sharing and fighting against the comparison game, it can quickly become a challenge to discern when and when not to share.

When your company wants to share gratitude and doesn’t quite know how to start, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin.
Maybe your marketing copy is very by-the-book, and straying from that routine feels confusing, like you’re going to jeopardize your company’s voice if you do something new.
Or maybe your company has a very distinct voice, but it's so distinct that you feel overwhelmed by the sheer possibilities for incorporating the season of thanksgiving into your marketing. 

The good news? Gratitude doesn’t have to be complicated. 

In fact, making your gratitude sincere is actually all you have to focus on. Whether you own a marketing, landscaping, or financial advising company, there’s space for gratitude to come through in your copy this year.

  • Create a culture of gratitude within your company by highlighting employees or clients you’re proud of and excited for - you don’t have to play favorites in doing this, you just get to point out some areas you see those around you really thriving! 

  • Share gratitude with others by highlighting personal business wins. Self-promotion doesn’t come naturally to the vast majority of us. We do it out of necessity, through gritted teeth, but we think that celebrating professional success can be a beautiful practice when done through the lens of gratitude. Share what’s worked and what hasn’t in the last year, and what you’re grateful for in the midst of it. 

  • Incorporate quiet gratitude for personal reflection. You don’t have to make an entire post (or posts) about gratitude if that doesn’t align with what your business needs or your content calendar. This month, simply focus on a tone that’s more gratitude-heavy than normal. See what happens to your copy when you incorporate real-life thankfulness into your sales campaign or LinkedIn post. 

As you learn to incorporate gratitude into your work, here are 3 ways to help you gratitude feel sincere this November: 

  1. Keep it simple

    Being grateful for someone or something doesn’t mean you have to write them a sonnet.  You can literally write, “We are so grateful for ___.” And call it good. Get ahead of your inner critic by just naming what you’re thankful for and moving on. Simple as that. 

  2. Don't force it

    The truth is that you aren’t always going to feel the most thankful. It can be challenging to  be in work mode one moment, and jump over to happy thanksgiving mode the next.
    While pushing past negative emotions is good, don’t sweat it if it's just not your day. The truth is, your forced gratitude jargon just won’t land like a sincere word will. Wait to share your words until you’re convinced they’re true. 

  3. Enjoy the season

    The best advice we can give is to find pockets of time during the craziness of November and December months to let yourself truly feel thankful. Even if your company’s marketing style and your personal communication style don’t intersect, your positive emotions around the season will flow into the rest of your work and life.

We love exploring questions about marketing strategy, business goals, and writing growth at Murphy Marketing. Book an appointment to chat with us today if you’re ready to quit overthinking and start crafting better words for your business.

Claire Barham

Claire Barham is a lead writer at Murphy Marketing.


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