Want to Be a VIP? Now’s Your Chance…

We recently heard about the need for a new content development structure from our leads during sales calls. This has come to us in the form of many different pain points, but we believe it all boils down to the desire to get it done now. 

If you’re familiar with our service offering, we customize our client's packages to offer 100% done-for-you, done with you, or done by you with our support. While these packages or some combination of them have been perfect for our customer base so far, they are usually implemented on an as-available basis, like most other agencies. To ensure satisfaction, we bake a couple of revisions into our deliverables so that it’s an iterative process: we deliver a draft, you review, we revise, you review, we revise, and send the final version. However, depending on what and how many deliverables we’re working on, this could take 2 weeks or 3+ months in some cases.

So if it works, what’s the deal?

So far, traditional services have been a hit, but there have been increasing pain points that new leads are concerned about that sent us to the drawing board to consider how we operate.

Pain points we’ve seen:

  1. Zero Bandwidth

    “I’m already drowning in client work, I have zero bandwidth to plan and manage this launch.” New clients often have set aside their brand and marketing needs for another day when there is more time, but that time never seems to come. They feel trapped in their current workload with no space to focus on launching new projects. They know it needs to be done but can’t carve out space in their task list to get it done.

  2. Loss of Control

    "I need marketing materials ready yesterday, but my current agency is moving at a snail's pace/my team is backlogged." The slow pace of existing marketing solutions can make it seem like the process is out of your control and priorities are out of wack when it all feels urgent.

  3. Burnout

    “I’m exhausted from trying to do everything myself and not getting anywhere.” The constant juggling of tasks without seeing tangible progress leaves them feeling drained and ineffective.

  4. Fear of Falling Behind

    “I hate feeling like I'm always a step behind my competitors.” The constant sense of lagging behind others in their industry wears on them, creating a feeling of inadequacy.

What does a VIP Day look like?

While we used to charge extra for the VIP urgency and only offer a few days a month, we’re now testing a same-cost service model and reserving more days during the month for our team to fulfill VIP Day Services. 

You can book a VIP day for content creation for the same cost as our traditional service offerings. VIP Days are for more than just website content. Yes, we can develop a Brand Message Guide in 1 day, a Homepage in 1 day, or 2-3 subpages in a day. But we can also create a 4-6 email sequence in 1 day, up to 8 social posts in 1 day, and additional copywriting content pieces for you in an expedited manner.


Our VIP Day services currently mirror the price of our traditional services and we can offer the same assistance levels. Book a call now to discuss your specific needs and get a quote for your project.

Project Timeline

You can start with just one VIP Day, or when you book a call with us to discuss your needs, we can fit multi-day sessions into our schedule so you don’t have to wait. A 14-page website that may have taken 3 months to craft can now take just 1 week. An email sequence that may have taken 3 weeks can now be done in just a day, for the same price!

Daily Structure

For our one-day, Done For You services our schedule often looks like this:

  • 9AM - 12PM: Message Intake Meeting

  • 12 - 3:30PM: You do whatever you like during our focus time

  • 3:30 - 4:30PM: Feedback & Live Review Session

  • 4:30 - 5PM: We will finalize your project and send you completed files.

Is it right for me?

  1. You know your focus. The VIP Intensive sessions run the smoothest when you have a clear product or service you are focusing on.

  2. You (and your team) are decisive. If you are a person who likes to sleep on things and gather lots of input from others, you’ll be better served by our traditional project structure. But, we do still offer one final post-launch feedback & revision iteration within 90 days in case something doesn’t sit quite right after the fact

  3. You don’t need multi-tiered approval. Due to the quick turnaround, and live review calls, if not everyone who needs to approve the writing is present on our calls, our traditional timelines will allow for more adequate time to send the document throughout your team’s ranks.

Our Coaching and Done With You service day schedules may vary, depending on the content, but will include a similar combination of you bringing homework or completed work to the session and our team doing live working sessions or reviewing offline & coming back together with recommendations or revisions.


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