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use hashtags #but #don’t #overdo #it

Hashtags have become ubiquitous across social media but especially on Instagram. They can be key in getting people to notice the work you are doing there. And yet, despite how mainstream they have become, hashtags can still be confusing, especially when considering which ones and how many to use. 

Research has shown that you certainly need to use hashtags if you want your Instagram posts to reach a larger audience. The numbers indicate that posts with at least one hashtag show improvement in terms of engagement and also are more likely to be shared. Nevertheless, #you #shouldn’t #overdo #it #because #that’s #annoying. 

You also should not tack on popular hashtags if they have nothing to do with your post. You will turn people off when they become frustrated by being led to your post that they have no interest in. Plus, you may risk Instagram flagging your account for spam.  

So consider the following guidelines for hitting the hashtag sweet spot on Instagram: 

  • There is a limit of 30 hashtags. But don’t go near that limit if you can avoid it. Otherwise, you’re likely to seem pushy or too caught up in promotional activities. Think about your photo and the caption you are writing. Then choose a few hashtags that best represent what you are showing and saying.

    • Try not to use the same list of hashtags all the time. That can get you flagged by Instagram. 

    • There are some hashtags that you will want to always have as part of your posts, so consider keeping those in a note on your phone so it’s quick and easy to copy and paste them in. But then mix things up by adding additional hashtags that accurately reflect the current photo. 

    • There is no limit on the number of characters you can use on Instagram hashtags. But #shortandsweet is a lot easier to read than #dontmakeyourhashtagstoolong.

  • Mix it up with the popular kids. If we’re all being honest, most of us looked at “the popular kids” in school and wondered how to become one of them. It’s similar for Instagram hashtags. Simple words like #love or #dogs tend to be used a lot, but that also can diminish their usefulness. If you’re on social media, it’s likely you are already trying to break through a lot of noise. That’s easier if you’re not shouting in a crowded room. Besides, effectiveness on any social media platform should be measured by engagement rather than eyeballs. So what if 100 people see your post? What you really want are the 10 who are going to share your message, buy your product, or engage with your account in some way. 

  • Find a community. Community hashtags can help you gain followers and engage with like-minded folks. For example, #CatsOfInstagram is a popular Instagram hashtag community. And if you have a product or service related to cats, you should be in there trying to engage with that community. Just be careful not to become “that guy” in the community that people find spammy and annoying. Be sincere and the community will accept you. 

  • Hashtag your brand. Turn your brand into a hashtag and claim that real estate! Make the hashtag reflective of who you are, what your company stands for, or a feeling you want to convey every time someone connects with one of your posts. It’s an easy way for people to search for everything you’re posting or commenting on. 

    • If someone else starts using your branded hashtag (in a positive way), make sure you reach out and thank them for it. It’s a great way to engage a fan -- or a potential one. 

  • Narrow the scope. If you use hashtags that are too broad, you will be shouting at millions of random people instead of talking to the ones you want to reach. There’s an old presenter’s tip about not speaking to the entire audience, but rather zeroing in on individuals and speaking to them directly. (But not for too long, because that gets creepy!) The same goes for hashtags.

    • Try typing a potential hashtag into Instagram’s search bar to see the top hashtags related to what you’re doing. Then narrow the focus down until you find engaged individuals rather than just a big audience. 

Social media outlets, and the algorithms they use to push certain posts to different feeds, is an ongoing mystery for most people. That’s because the platforms are constantly evolving. But hashtags have grown to be such an integral part of Instagram that we don’t see them going away. That’s why you need to figure out the best ones to use so your posts get noticed. It will help you turn strangers into fans and fans into customers.